"i don't want to lose myself. it's a whisper, it's a funny thing. we fold like icicles on paper shelves. it's a pity to appear this way"



This morning I couldn't go back to sleep after Nate left for work. I feel like my mind is on overdrive- thinking way too much about things I have no {or mostly no} control over. I think I'm really good at doing that when I can't fall asleep. Here's just a few things I was thinking... perhaps you'll find them amusing:

  • trying to think of more ways to help my hair grow faster (I'm already brushing it a lot, massaging my scalp, taking certain vitamins... but really what else can you do but wait?)
  • thinking about how I like to post my poems on here but I haven't actually written anything new for a long time
  • birthdays, thanksgiving, christmas
  • family & how much my little nieces and nephew have grown
  • what to wear & how to style my hair today
  • about Facebook & if I should delete my account (I think I spend too much time on there sometimes... I used to check it maybe[?] once a week & now I feel weird if I go a whole day without checking it- I don't like feeling that addiction/dependancy or whatever you wanna call it)
  • about how I go thru phases of not caring what people think about me and then all of a sudden I can be super self-conscious 
  • how I need to figure out a better work out schedule otherwise it's not going to become a habit like it should
  • thinking of how much I love to wear nate's sweats, socks, & baggy long sleeve shirts to bed
  • about how much I hate the cold & winter time- holidays & birthdays do help quite a bit but i already miss the sun & it's warmth so much :(
  • crafts & projects I'm working on
  • plans: weekend plans, after work plans, lunch plans, birthday plans, holiday plans, future plans, vacation plans.... {Did I get all the right days off at work? Is Nate taking the fast bus to his parents' house that day? What time do we need to be there?} Ya know & all that jazz that comes with any types of plans
  • how I am in desperate need of a manicure & pedicure
  • how I wish I had more time to paint
  • wish I had more time in general (when you're grown up time just seems to speed up)
  • how badly I need to find a good chiropractor in the area
  • that movie Alice in Wonderland ~we watched it for the first time the other night- I liked it~ ya know that part where she says, "Some days I think 6 impossible things before breakfast..."? ha ha that's what I was thinking about this morning
  • how I need to catch up in my one journal (I'm at the part where me & Nate have started dating & I've told him I love him but we're only about 2 months into it... so I'm like almost 3.5 years behind :( & so much good stuff has happened since then!)
  • how bad of a day yesterday was & now it's thursday- my favorite day of the week :)
  • hoping I feel better today but acknowledging that my sore throat is still present 
  • about things I need to work on/be better at doing

I'm probably forgetting a few things but still- that's quite a bit to think about between 5:30am & now (it's 7:30am- time to get ready for work- already know what i'm gonna wear ha ha). I think I think more in the early morning than at any other time of the day -sometimes the middle of the night too- hate it when that happens... as much fun as it is to think & rethink the things you've already thought about I'd really rather just sleep & not worry so much, HOWEVER... my mind doesn't always work that way :) 


  1. Oh my goodness, wouldn't it be so nice to have an on-off switch on your brain sometimes?? I guess it's just a female thing -- we think a lot! :) Hope you feel better from your sore throat -- I feel ya!

  2. I know one thing to add to your list of things you were thinking about...MAKING BABIES!!! lol :)
