"i don't want to lose myself. it's a whisper, it's a funny thing. we fold like icicles on paper shelves. it's a pity to appear this way"


marriage takes three

Last Sunday, I was at my parent's home for a little while. We were trying to decide on bridesmaid's dresses for my little sister's wedding. It's kinda fun because she gets married about a month after our anniversary- and they are getting married in the same temple we did (Draper). Also, Nate's brother is getting married the day after them and in that temple also ha ha. We are so excited for both of them :)

Right before I left there Sunday, my sweet Grandma Lybbert handed me (and I'm guessing my other sisters) this beautiful poem. With our anniversary this Friday and weddings coming up it was a great reminder to center our lives around Christ and how that will strengthen a marriage.

Marriage Takes Three

I once thought marriage took
Just two to make a go
But now I am convinced
It takes the Lord also
And not one marriage fails
Where Christ is asked to enter
As lovers come together
With Jesus at the center
But marriage seldom thrives
And homes are incomplete
Till He is welcomed there
To help avoid defeat
In homes where Christ is first
It's obvious to see
Those unions really work
For marriage still takes three

~Joan Welch 

I am so grateful for my all my family. We are so blessed to have loving, caring, and supportive family- on both sides. I'm so grateful that the Gospel is an important part in our lives and that we can be with our families forever.

I'm so grateful for my patient and loving husband- he is so sweet. It's been a wonderful year- with ups and downs, many many laughs and a few struggles. But I wouldn't want it any other way. Last night Me and Nate were talking about little ways we've both changed in the last year and they were all positive things! (Maybe we we're both just being extra nice ha ha) It was fun though to look back and see how we've grown together. 

I'm excited to get started on our second year of marriage. I feel a little more prepared for any challenges that may come. It's fun to think where we might be a year from now- or 2 or 5 or 10. I'm just so glad to have Nate by my side and ya know- it's just fun to know we have the rest of forever to be with each other and create more memories and have limitless adventures. 

I think the poem above helped me to remember that hard times will come- but if we continue to do what's right- the Lord will always be there to help us and guide us. I have faith in the future because of that knowledge. 

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