"i don't want to lose myself. it's a whisper, it's a funny thing. we fold like icicles on paper shelves. it's a pity to appear this way"


fast sunday

So usually during Fast and Testimony meeting I kinda review my testimony. Sometimes I say it in my head the way I would if I were to get up and share it. I think I've only shared my testimony 4 times publicly (seminary, twice in the singles ward, and girl's camp). I'm kinda a baby when it comes to public speaking. And I always feel more nervous afterwards ha ha which makes me feel like I should have just kept to myself in the first place. But I know that when others share their testimony, mine is strengthened- so it makes me feel bad that I have such a hard time with this whole public thing. I seriously get so nervous I think my heart is going to explode! Anyways, this last Sunday I thought a lot about my own testimony- more than usual- even after we got home from church I was still thinking/pondering about it. I feel like I need to share it. I should. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of the Gospel- why not share that with others? It'll be so much easier to do it here than in person, but it's a start, right?

I know that my Heavenly Father lives and that He loves me and watches over me. I know He has a plan for me.

I know that Jesus Christ suffered, died, and atoned not only for my sins but for my heartaches, pains, afflictions- anytime I have ever felt down or lonely- anytime I have ever been hurt in any way. I know that it is my duty through faith and repentance to utilize the atonement. I know that I must do my part to receive the blessings Heavenly Father has to offer. 

I also know that Satan is very real and that he wants to bring me down- he does not want me to be happy or receive blessings. He wants me to feel discouraged and to forget of the love of God and the power of repentance. Everyday I need to be on guard and look out for Satan's temptations. But I know that my Heavenly Father won't allow me to be tempted above what I am able to resist. Which means Satan will only win if I let him and I will not. I cannot. There is nothing I want more than to be surrounded by my family and loved ones in the presence of my Heavenly Father again. And I know I will get there if I am faithful and strive to keep the commandments.

I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It truly is "another testament of Christ". I know when I study my scriptures often and abide by it's council I am brought closer to God. And I know that I can receive personal revelation from reading and studying them. 
I know that the Holy Ghost is a gift to guide me and that by listening and following it, I will always be safe. 

I know that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God. There is no other way. I know that it is through that special relationship that we are to bring Heavenly Father's children into the world and teach them of Him and His love. I know that through the amazing sealing powers of the temple our family will be eternal. 

I have a testimony of the priesthood. I know it is real- that it is truly power from God here on earth. Without it so many basic principles of the gospel would be empty: baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, patriarchal blessings, eternal marriage . . . They are all only possible because of the keys of the priesthood. 

I have a testimony of patriarchal blessings. I know they are a special message, a personal message from our Heavenly Father to help us feel of His love, to give us guidance and hope. 
As I said before, I know Heavenly Father has a plan for me and as I do what is right and live my life according to the gospel principles and Christ's example His plan will begin to unfold. I know that I have great potential because I know I am a daughter of God. I know that He is the only one I should try and please because His judgment is the only one that matters. 

I know I will continue to make mistakes in my life and that many times I will fall short of my goals, but that makes everything I know so much more meaningful. I know if I try my best, my brother and Savior will take care of everything else. That is part of the plan of salvation. A plan I know and believe in with all my heart. 

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