"i don't want to lose myself. it's a whisper, it's a funny thing. we fold like icicles on paper shelves. it's a pity to appear this way"


"smile like you mean it"

Yesterday, while I was driving all over the place I heard that song on the radio and it just made me think of how people are so much more beautiful when they smile . . . and they mean it. When they are truly happy and you get to see it in that expression. I believe when people are doing what is right that happiness just shines through.

Yesterday was my day off this week and it was literally jam packed, but oh so good!  I got up early to do a beautiful bride's hair at 6, then the rest of the day was spent making sure her hair looked perfect- plus I somehow squeezed in 3 haircuts, lunch with a friend, a visit at my grandmas, and played with my adorable nieces and nephew.

Even though it was a long day, I felt so good [besides the leg aches] because I know that I had made other people feel good. The bride loved her hair and was so appreciative and just so sweet and kept thanking me over and over. The haircuts I did had similar reactions- just so grateful that i'd take time out of my busy day- my day off- to do their hair. I truly believe that sometimes all it takes is a different or updated hairstyle to boost your confidence and that is why I love doing hair. I love making people feel good about themselves. I love making them smile. I think I like doing hair more outside of work cuz I'll usually do it without a mirror and then when I'm all finished I'll tell them to go take a look and it's like a big reveal - I love it.

The last haircut I did was for my really good friend, Julia {love her to death} and we ended up talking an additional two hours after the haircut ha ha. I love chatting with friends and just talking about life and having meaningful conversations. I love learning new things about my friends and seeing how they deal with certain challenges. Me and Julia have been friends since 7th grade and it's amazing to me to see the relationship we have now compared to then. Because we cherish the same values, I've felt our friendship grow. I love that! And I've seen that with a few other of my close friends and I am so grateful for them in my life and the example they are to me :)

I went back to my parent's to gather some things before heading home and was attacked by 3 little munchkins ha ha I love them so much- they are just so sweet and full of love and light. Right now I cannot fully imagine the love I will have for my own kids cuz I love my nieces and nephew so much- my heart is full- I would do anything for them. I'm so glad that they are all so close and that I get to see them often, that they know who I am and that I love them. I love to see them play nice and be kind and happy. Love it when they are all smiles and giggles and it breaks my heat when they are sad or get hurt. I just care about them and want them to be happy!

I just loved that my day was full of good friends, family, and beautiful happy smiling people :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day!!! It was so fun to go to lunch with you! :) I agree -- it's definitely the best when you see people genuinely smiling. It's so contagious! I love it!!
